
Toronto mayor-elect Olivia Chow reveals top priorities she’ll tackle when she takes office

Toronto mayor-elect Olivia Chow has revealed the top priorities she will tackle when she takes office (Courtesy: Twitter/Olivia Chow)

Since being elected as the next mayor of Toronto, Olivia Chow has revealed her plans for when she takes office.

In a release, the mayor-elect shared that since being elected on Monday night she has been carrying out tasks ahead of her assuming the mayor’s office, including building relationships at City Hall and meeting with Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie and other senior staff.

“Historically, new mayors have had over a month for transition, but with the City facing a number of urgent problems, Olivia requested to take office on July 12,” Chow’s team said in a release. 

Over the next few weeks, Chow will meet with front-line experts, community leaders, and the civil service to build strong relationships and come up with potential solutions for Toronto’s “most urgent problems,” according to her office. 

Those priorities include:

·       Affordable Housing and economic opportunities

·       Community Crisis Response

·       Supportive Housing and Wrap Around Services

More information surrounding these engagements is set to be released in the coming days. 

Chow’s team says she has also contacted McKelvie and the city manager to inform them of her plans to hold an early and special meeting of the Executive Committee in August, which will be held to discuss issues including the city’s long-term financial plan. 

Chow has appointed Michal Hay as her chief of staff. Hay served as Chow’s campaign director during the 2023 mayoral by-election, and recently worked as the executive director of Progress Toronto. Hay also served as chief of staff to former City Councillor Mike Layton, the son of Chow’s late husband, Jack Layton. 

“Michal’s dedication to this city, to bringing people together to drive change, is unmatched. Her leadership style and experience at City Hall is a perfect fit with my own approach to governing. I’m proud to have her as my chief of staff, building and leading an exceptional Mayor’s Office team,” Chow said.



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