Free pads & tampons to be provided in federally regulated workplaces, Photo: Canva
CANADA — Starting December 15, it will be mandatory for free menstrual products to be provided in all federally regulated workplaces.
“Menstrual products like pads and tampons are as necessary as toilet paper and soap, but they are not treated that way in most workplaces. That is why, in 2021, the Government of Canada committed to making changes to the Canada Labour Code to ensure access to menstrual products in all federally regulated workplaces,” reads a release from the Canadian government.
Government officials announced on Wednesday that employers will be required to provide pads and tampons in bathrooms so that employees who need them at work don’t have to worry about accessing menstrual products.
“Tampons and pads are basic necessities. So we’re making sure they’re provided to workers at no cost, because it’ll make for healthier and safer workplaces,” Minister of Labour Seamus O’Regan Jr. said in a release.
Tampons and pads will be provided in every federally-regulated workplace starting December 15th.
— Seamus O'Regan Jr (@SeamusORegan) May 10, 2023
Periods are a fact of life. It’s time that our job sites reflect that.
The federal government says that the new regulations were developed following consultation with stakeholders, experts, and Canadian citizens. Officials say the initiative will benefit almost half a million workers and will be inclusive of all employees who menstruate.
“Today we are taking another step toward advancing menstrual equity and gender equality in Canada. Access to menstrual products is a basic necessity and a key part of promoting Canadians’ sexual and reproductive health and rights,” Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, Marci Ien said in the release.
“Making sure that workers have free menstrual products in federally regulated workplaces is just one of many ways we can support women, girls, trans and non-binary people who menstruate.”