A landlord in Louisiana who owns a 10-unit complex surprised her tenants with a huge holiday surprise and it had them blown away! (Courtesy: @1beemarie/TikTok)
A landlord in Louisiana who owns a 10-unit complex surprised her tenants with a huge holiday surprise and it had them blown away!
A video posted to TikTok has garnered over two million views as of publication of a landlord surprising her tenants with free rent for the month of December.
@1beemarie MERRY CHRISTMAS. Im so grateful to God for putting me in the position to be able to give back. Gifting my tenants with FREE RENT is something ive always wanted to do.
♬ GRATEFUL – DJ Khaled
“MERRY CHRISTMAS. I’m so grateful to God for putting me in the position to be able to give back. Gifting my tenants with FREE RENT is something I’ve always wanted to do,” she wrote in the caption.
The user that posted it is Britni M. Ricard. She’s a real estate investor and the founder and CEO of Cota Skin.
On her Instagram post, she said she gathered her tenants last month for a meeting to surprise them with the news and that she understands the holidays can be financially difficult for people.
“When you’re the owner of an apartment complex and surprise your tenants with free rent for the holidays,” the video starts off.
In the video, she tells her tenants that she values them and how she does a lot for the community, but also wanted to contribute to people that give back to her.
“In fact, I wanted to gift ya’ll with a free month’s rent,” Ricard said.
The tenants were emotional and Ricard went around the room hugging and shaking people’s hands. However, that wasn’ the only surprise.
“I’m also setting up a homeownership class to help get them the knowledge and resources they need to someday become homeowners,” she wrote on her Instagram caption.
She also paid homage to her late brother and said that she knows how proud he would be of the good work she has done. She also named her skincare line “Cota Skin” in his honour.