
‘Diversity has been a huge strength for us,’ Big Brother Canada host Arisa Cox on what makes the show so special, and the secret to becoming a contestant 

Calling all Big Brother Canada (BBC) lovers! The 12th season of the award-winning reality show is just around the corner, set to premiere in spring 2024. Ahead of the premiere, BBC host Arisa Cox stopped by The Brandon Gonez Show to share some insight into what makes this show so special for many Canadians, what hopeful contestants should know when applying to be on the show, and some of her experiences during her 10-plus years as host of the fan-favourite TV show.

So, with 11 seasons under their belt and another one just around the corner, what is the special sauce that makes BBC so popular? Cox says diversity is a big part. 

“Diversity has been a huge strength for us and it’s something we’ve made even more of a priority in the last few years,” the host explained. 

“I think everyone believes in that. I don’t think there’s anyone who works on our show, and we’re like, near 300 people, that doesn’t understand that the more you include people who are not often seen on TV, or are not seen as main characters in places, the richer the show is. The richer the conversations are, the [richer] relationships [are].”

“It means something for the people in the house to be feeling like everyone has a shot at winning,” Cox said, adding that in addition to being important for those working on the show, diversity and representation are also important to the viewers.

“It also means something for people in Canada, all the young people who are watching,” Cox continued. 

“It’s so easy to watch these shows and be like, ‘How come I’m not seeing anyone with my accent?’, ‘How come I don’t see anyone that sounds like a Toronto mans?’, ‘How come I don’t see anyone who looks like they’re from here?’, or whatever! Be that! Do that! A Toronto mans won last year,” the host laughed. 

Cox shared that she’s happy to see this shift in reality TV, which makes it easier for everyone to get involved and be included in programs like BBC. 

READ MORE: Arisa Cox spills the tea on Big Brother Canada ahead of season 11!


“Gone are the days when there was a very specific archetype of person who could win. Just being part of a majority meant much of the world is designed for you. I think once you change those demographics, suddenly it’s anyone’s game.”

And Cox really does mean anyone.

“Anyone has a shot! Older, younger, different ethnicities, different abilities, [and] different places from Canada. Really, people who are good at people are going to be good at this game.”

So, if it’s anyone’s game, and casting is currently open for season 12, does the veteran host have advice for those looking to compete in the upcoming season?

Firstly, it’s okay to apply if you’ve only seen bits and pieces of previous seasons!

“We love the range! I love a superfan, they know all the references, all the players, all the strategies. That’s wonderful.”

“I also love when people know a bit about the show, they’ve seen a couple of episodes. But if you have that thing, that innate thing that makes it easy for you to read people. Or to incept an idea and make people think it’s their idea when really it was your idea. Some of those things are just innate skills and people with street smarts tend to do really well on Big Brother. Even if they only know a little bit about it.”

But she does not want to hear applicants talk about how they’ve never seen the show. If you’re applying, you should look into it. 

“Not so cute. Because it is a big commitment, but wow what you can get from it! There are not that many shows in Canada where you finish it and you’re a household name.”

But at the end of the day, Cox says her team is looking for real people with real experiences to audition for BBC. 

“We would love to have all types of things in the cast, but we’re looking for real people. We cannot generate them with AI.”

Salespeople, lawyers, poker players, social workers, people who have experienced tough childhoods – Cox shared that these groups of people all tend to do well in the competition. But she also says that even if you don’t think you fit the bill, encourage people you think would be good contestants – we’re looking at you funny uncle – to apply!

So, as host and executive producer, what are the top three things Cox looks for when considering applications to BBC?

Authenticity, fearlessness, and big personalities. 

Cox shared some insight into the magic behind making BBC, the most interesting things she sees while looking at live tapes during the show, and so much more on this episode of The Brandon Gonez Show.



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