
Here’s who YOU should vote for! | Ontario Election

TORONTO – June 2nd, 2022 is election day! After weeks of campaigning and debates, it’s down to the voters to decide who to vote in as Ontario’s next premier. That’s why The Brandon Gonez Show invited each leader of Ontario’s four major political party leaders to join Brandon for a one-on-one interview to discuss their platforms, and why they are the best leader for Ontario.

Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca, NDP Leader Andrea Horwath, and Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner each stopped by the show to chat with Brandon about topics like health care, students, the cost of living, and affordable housing. Ontario PC Leader and incumbent Premier Doug Ford declined our request for an interview, no reason was given. 

When it comes to the polls, many predict that Ford will win the upcoming election, but people in Toronto are uncertain.

“Red,” one woman responded when asked what colour she was voting for. 

“You know I’m kinda 50/50 between two parties,” one man said, explaining that he was torn between voting Liberal, or NDP. 

“It depends on my riding, I’m trying to vote beat out the PC Party,” one woman said, explaining that she was unhappy with several things that have recently happened under Doug Ford’s government, including cuts to health care. She also admitted to strategic voting, whatever it takes to get Ford out.

When asked, people said that they were looking for a leader who would address issues like rising inflation, high taxes, and health care. One person even had a special message for Black voters in the city.

“Black people need to go out and vote, I think it’s super important. I know it sounds cliche but be the change you want to be. I don’t think staying at home and not voting helps us or our cause at all. I also believe that we’re stronger together, we’re stronger, you know when we go out and vote,” one Black woman said, adding that she definitely is encouraging other Black to go out and vote. You heard the woman!

Read More About Each Party’s Platform

To learn more about Steven Del Duca  & the Liberal Party’s platform click here

To learn more about Andrea Horwath & the NDP’s platform click here

To learn more about Mike Schreiner & the Green Party’s platform click here

BG also had a discussion with Wyatt Sharpe of The Wyatt Sharpe Show about his take on the election. The young journalist described how he feels about each of the party leaders, his analysis of their platforms, and who he thinks will win the election while they strolled around Queen’s Park. Plus, Brandon shared his take on the election, including why he feels many people are frustrated with the last premier, and why he feels a lot of people are still going to vote for Ford on this episode of News You Can News!



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